Here's the information our Wholesale Packages

Package Contents Included Price Customer Savings
Starter Package 5 Tonics, 5 Seamoss Body Butter, 5 Toothpaste, 5 Soaps $300 $125
Premium Package 10 Tonics, 10 Seamoss Body Butter, 10 Toothpaste, 10 Soaps $650 $200
Business Package 20 Tonics, 20 Seamoss Body Butter, 20 Toothpaste, 20 Soaps $950 -

Note: Customers have the option to substitute toothpaste and soap in any package and receive our Turmeric Face Mask instead.

Additionally, customers who purchase any package will receive a free 1-hour business growth consultation to help grow their business and brand.

This table outlines the packages, their contents, prices, and potential customer savings.